Friday, March 23, 2012

FW: L-Dock Friends


The "Mature" women at the table are, left to right, Liz ("Chief's Lady"), Karen ("Mskoki"), Mary Lynn (and Scott, "Zingaro") and me ("Harmony"). The younger women are daughters of some of the boaters with their husbands. Sitting up on the other table is Tom from "Chief's Lady". All are really fun people to be with - particularly by the beach on a sunny after noon drinking frozen mango daiquiris. Patty ("Honeywind") took the picture.

Monday, March 12, 2012

FW: logopictures

We are at Great Guana...home of Nippers and Grabbers (wonderful beach bars) and Florrie is painting the dinghy with logos.  See her work on the link below.

as artist 
Florence Bramley Hill